3PO-Referee-Clinic during the Sportfanat.de Eastercup 2015
Dear Basketballcrowd,
only 3 months to go untill Sportfanat.de Eastercup 2015 will hit the gyms in and around Berlin-Moabit. The preparations for the 3rd consecutive Eastercup are heavily on their way. At the moment about 35 teams, 40 referees and many more people from over 16 different nations have already been registered and are using the opportunity of an early booking offer. Teams are coming from: Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Netherlands, Nigeria/Team Afrika!, Norway, Sverige and many more. Be a part of it in 2015. Teams can register till 20th March 2015, referees till end of January 2015.
++++ 3PO-Referee-Clinic during the Sportfanat.de Eastercup 2015 ++++
This years Sportfanat.de Berlin Moabit Easter Tournament will feature a special side-event. The organisation team is proud to present a three person officiating referee-camp, conducted by Dutch Former Fiba Referee Barry Peters and former Fiba Instructor Bob Bhania.
The tournament, taking place from april 2nd till april 6th will have a certain number of games with 3 men crew. Participants of the clinic will get educated on the areas of responsabilities in 3 person officiating and coaches will help them during and in between the games.
Referees can subscribe to the clinic, that will cost them a fee of 50 euros, by sending their application to: eastercup@email.de, please mention (if applicable) experience with 3 person officiating. Applicants after March 1 will pay 65 Euros.
Referees looking for a place stay during the tournament are invited to get in contact with the LOC who can arrange rooms in hostels or hotels nearby the gym. Arriving earlier and staying longer off course is no problem, and highly recommended for Berlin has great things to offer for visitors.
At the end of the tournament all referees and participants are invited to join the free BBQ that will be held. Please include the name of your referee shirt as the organisation will provide you with a shirt.
++++ 3PO-Referee-Clinic during the Sportfanat.de Eastercup 2015 ++++
Welcome to Berlin-Moabit 2015!
Official Website: www.ostercup-moabit.jimdo.com/application/
Registration 2015 is open, register now!!!
Facebookfanpage: https://www.facebook.com/IKW.Eastercup
Best Regards from Berlin – Moabit
Your Sportfanat.de Eastercup Team 2015
https://www.forthree.com/ Basketball store is our official Partner
http://www.sportfanat.de/, Official Namesponsor 2015