BIG – Basketball in Deutschland – Ausgabe Juni 2014

Die Juni-Ausgabe von BIG-Basketball in Deutschland erscheint am 27. Mai.



Dear friends,

Basketball community has strong influence and in these very difficult times for Serbia we need your attention and call to action.

As you probably know, heavy rain and floods have hit Serbia causing the evacuation of almost 25.000 people in five days. The area affected covers over more than 30 cities and villages in eight districts mostly in Central and Western Serbia.

Many of them are without drinking water, electricity and communication, people lost their homes, villages and complete infrastructure is ruined; some areas can still be reached only from the air.

In response to the disastrous floods in Serbia, people in our country are trying to help those who are directly affected. Numerous international organizations, charities, countries around the world, people from all the continents are helping people in Serbia.

BC Partizan NIS together with players, former players and coaches will do everything to help our own people, but in this hard moment we also need your assistance. Basketball has significant influence, so, please help us spread the word and fundraise. Please use your influence in media, on fans, official sponsors and all the people of good will to spread the word and help. The people of the districts struck by the worst floods in history of Serbia are suffering and need it more than ever. Any kind of your help will be highly appreciated and of great importance.

Wire instruction (in EURO):
Beneficiary: Ministry of Finance – Treasury Department
Address: Pop Lukina 7-9, RS – 11000 Beograd – Serbia
Account No.: RS35 9085 0461 9019 3230 80
Reference: Help for flooded Serbian regions

Wire instruction (in USD):
Beneficiary: Ministry of Finance – Treasury Department
Address: Pop Lukina 7-9, RS – 11000 Beograd – Serbia
Account No.: RS35 9085 0461 9019 3230 80
Reference: Help for flooded Serbian regions

Please let us know about your intentions and actions you may organize.

We can show that basketball community can make a difference and that we all are at the same side – one team with different colors, but the same goal. Basketball community is strong and as we share joy and great energy during sport season, we believe that in difficult moments we can raise awareness and help, all together as one team! Let’s win this match together!

Sincerely yours,

BC Partizan NIS Belgrade and People of Serbia

Predrag Danilovic

Hasseröder Kreispokal 2014 T-Shirt

Auch in diesem Jahr wird es eine 4. Auflage des Hasseröder Kreispokal im Basketballkreis Münster geben. Gespielt werden die Pokalrunden dann von Mai bis Mitte August. Das Final4 findet am 15. / 16. August im Pascal Gymnasium Münster statt.

Die Paarungen der ersten Runde lauten:

SG Coesfeld : TV Friesen Telgte
SC Arminia Ochtrup : RC Borken-Hoxfeld 2
SCU Lüdinghausen : TV Emsdetten
UBC Münster 2 : SCW Kinderhaus

SCA Ochtrup : Tus Hiltrup
TV Wolbeck 2 : TV Friesen Telgte
TV Dülmen : RC Borken-Hoxfeld 2
SVV Gronau : SCU Lüdinghausen
Vfl Ahaus : UBC Münster 4
TV Ibbenbüren : TV Emsdetten
DJK Ahlen : TV Wolbeck 1
TSC Münster 2 : Letter Baskets

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Hasseröder Kreispokal 2014 T-Shirt

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Bitte bis spätestens 31. Mai bestellen – FORTHREE sendet die T-Shirts dann im Laufe des Juni zu. FORTHREE freut sich auf den Hasseröder Kreispokal 2014 und zahlreiche Bestellungen!

Auf einen spannenden Pokalfight!!

Kyle Weems / medi bayreuth (Bild: Marcus Arth/

Grenzenloser Jubel herrschte in den letzten Minuten des vierten Viertels: Die Weichen im Heimspiel gegen die TBB Trier waren schon lange auf Sieg gestellt, die La Ola-Welle schwappte durch die Oberfrankenhalle und über 3.000 Zuschauer skandierten „Bundesliga, Bayreuth ist dabei!“ Durch einen ungefährdeten 80 zu 61 Erfolg über angeschlagene Moselstädter wurden alle Zweifel am Klassenerhalt beseitigt. Durch die Niederlage von Braunschweig in Bonn klettert das Team von Michael Koch sogar auf den 14. Tabellenplatz. Beste Werfer waren Kyle Weems (17), Phillipp Heyden (15), D.J. Seeley (14) sowie Kevin Hamilton und Ronnie Burrell (je 10). Für die Gäste kamen Jermaine Anderson (14) und Warren Ward (12) auf eine zweistellige Punktzahl.
